The Prison Anthology

Submissions open until we have a meaningful collection.

This will be a publication of incarcerated individuals’ writing - stories, fiction, poetry and visual art.

This was started in 2017 by The Bayou Review with their publication of The Prison Issue. We will continue their work by giving a voice to those who may no longer feel that they have one.

Whatever the cause of their incarceration, studies have shown that most crimes are caused due to untreated mental illness, poverty, or societal factors. Prisons in the United States take away a person’s humanity, often leaving them traumatized and not rehabilitated. This is the opposite of their intent.

Please consider saving the form on the right —-> printing it, and sending it to someone you know in prison. If you are a person who has been incarcerated previously, you are welcome to submit as well.


Printed submissions can be mailed to

Odessa Collective

P.O. Box 19247

Houston, TX 77224

Submissions can be emailed to with the subject line “PRISON ANTHOLOGY”

Submission Guidelines:

 Please send us whatever you feel, as long as it does not include hate speech or racism. We understand the atmosphere of prison, but we cannot publish those ideas. If they are an anecdote or part of a story it is understandable, but direct racism will be removed immediately from consideration.

 Please keep submissions to 2500 words if you are on email. If you are submitting note pages, this will depend on your handwriting. Please try to keep fiction/nonfiction to a maximum of 5 notebook pages. If you need to include more, that is also understandable, as it will vary depending on handwriting size.

Poems are limited to 5.

Please consider donating to our publication costs. We are a two person team and do everything with the proceeds from vending/selling magazines!